Revenue Calculator

Calculate the long-term revenue impact of your A/B test results


Baseline Metrics

Enter your current monthly traffic, conversion rate, and average order value to establish your baseline revenue.

How to Use This Revenue Calculator

  1. Enter your baseline metrics: monthly traffic, conversion rate, and average order value.
  2. Input your A/B test results, including the uplift percentage and test start date.
  3. Adjust for seasonality by entering monthly traffic variations and conversion rates.
  4. Set decay percentages to account for the diminishing impact of your test over time.
  5. Review the projected revenue impact and detailed monthly breakdowns in the results section.
  6. Use the "Try Demo Mode" button to see how the calculator works with sample data.

Key Terms and Definitions

Baseline Metrics
Your current performance metrics before implementing A/B test changes.
Uplift Percentage
The percentage improvement observed in your A/B test variant compared to the control.
Monthly variations in traffic and conversion rates due to seasonal factors.
The gradual decrease in the effectiveness of your A/B test changes over time.
Incremental Revenue
Additional revenue generated as a result of implementing your A/B test changes.
Cumulative Revenue
Total additional revenue accumulated over time from your A/B test changes.

Frequently Asked Questions